🌟 Project Overview
Predictive Chess is an interactive Java desktop game where players can visualize potential moves by clicking on a piece. Players can easily see where each piece can move next by simply clicking on it, makings the game more accessible and enjoyable.
- Highlight Possible Moves Highlights possible moves for selected pieces.
- Graphical User Interface Intuitive GUI for playing chess.
- Classic Chess Rules: All traditional chess rules are implemented.
- Save and Load Games Ability to save and load chess games.
🛠️ Technology Stack
This project leverages the following technologies:
- Java: The core language used to implement the game logic, utilizing Object-Oriented Programming principles for clean and modular code.
- Swing: Used for building the graphical user interface (GUI), providing an interactive and responsive desktop application experience.
📚 What I Learned
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Strengthened my understanding of OOP by applying it to a real-world application, organizing the game logic into manageable and reusable objects like pieces, boards, and moves.
Desktop Application Development
- Gained hands-on experience with Swing, improving my ability to create interactive desktop applications.